Must be submitted to the Pageant by the April 30th, 2025 deadline.
Headshot Photo 15% of score | Recent Blk&Wh or color Head or Head & Shoulders photo. Pro or snapshot. May be sent to the pageant via email in .jpg or .png format. |
Fit wear/Swimsuit Photo 10% of score | A photo depicting the contestant attired in clothing appropriate for physical activity/sports/recreation. Pro or snapshot. Photo must be recent (taken within the last 12 months), in color and from the knee-up. No crowns, banners or other people in photo. May be sent to the pageant via email in .jpg or .png format. |
Evening Gown Photo 15% of score | Must be a floor-length gown! Photo must be recent (taken within the past 12 months), in color and full-length. No crowns, banners or other people in photo. Pro or snapshot. May be sent to the pageant via email in .jpg or .png format |
Contestant’s Choice Photo 10% of score | Must be a photo to show contestant’s personality outside of pageants (ie: contestant should be attired in something other than a gown or swimsuit). Photo may be blk& white or color, pro or snapshot. No crowns or banners include other people in photo. May be sent to the pageant via email in .jpg or .png format. |
Personal Interview50% of Score | Answers should be in essay form and should be limited to 200 words each based on the following questions & submitted by email: 1.) Do you have a platform or a cause you support? Tell us about it! 2.) What do you feel is the biggest challenge facing our country today? 3.) What is the best thing about your State? 4.) Where do you see yourself in five years? 5.) What do you feel are your biggest accomplishments to date? |
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